⛓️Deeplink API

Integrate Unibot features by deeplinking our app. Gain referrals from anyone who clicks your deeplinks and earn.

A. Telegram Bot Deeplinking

Perform actions in our Telegram Bot by adding the following url params to our TG Bot link. To deeplink to our EVM Telegram Bot (Ethereum, Base, Arbitrum chain), add any of the url params below to the url https://t.me/unibotsniper_bot. To deeplink to our Solana Telegram Bot, add the url params below to https://t.me/UnisolUnibot.

EXAMPLE Clicking the will open our EVM Telegram Bot, refer you with the referral code AydenAydev, and open the buy menu for . Deeplink Url: https://t.me/unibotsniper_bot/?start=AydenAydev-0xf819d9cb1c2a819fd991781a822de3ca8607c3c9 This example was using the .

  1. /start={referral_code} : refer user to our TG Bot

  2. /start={referral_code}-{token_address} : refer user our TG Bot and open buy menu

  3. /start=funcs_buy_{token_address} : buy token_address

  4. /start=funcs_sell_{token_address} : sell token_address

  5. /start=funcs_copyTrade-remove-{wallet} : remove copy trade wallet

  6. /start=funcs_remove_lo_buy_{lo_id} : cancel buy limit order by order id

  7. /start=funcs_remove_lo_sell_{lo_id} : cancel sell limit order by order id

  8. /start=funcs_dcaDel_{dca_id} : cancel DCA by id

  9. /start=funcs_cancel_snipe_{snipe_id} : cancel snipe by id

  10. /start=funcs_snipe_{token_address} : snipe token_address

B. Telegram Mini App Deeplinking

See TG Mini App API.

C. Unibot X Deeplinking

Deeplink referrals and actions to our Unibot X trading terminal. Use the url https://unibot.app/x/ followed by any of the url params below to trigger referrals and actions. You can use multiple url params to do different actions.

EXAMPLE Clicking the will open Unibot X trading terminal (unibot.app), refer you with the referral code AydenAydev, set the chain to Basechain, set the chart , and open the Limit Sell Menu with set as the token to sell. Deeplink Url: https://unibot.app/x/?ref=AydenAydev&chain=base&token=0x940181a94a35a4569e4529a3cdfb74e38fd98631&swapMode=limit&swapType=sell This example uses the

  • Url Param: &ref={referral_code} : Refers user with your referral code.

  • Url Param: &chain={chain_name} : Sets app to chain. Valid Options: ethereum | base | arbitrum | solana

  • Url Param: &token={token_address} : sets chart and swap token to token

  • Url Param: &swapMode={mode} : Sets trade widget to a trade mode. Valid Options: swap | limit | dca | copytrade | bridge

  • Url Param: &swapType={swap_type} : Sets trade menu to a swap type. Valid Options: buy | sell

  • Url Param: &mirrorWallet={wallet_address} : Adds wallet address to user's copytrade list.

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